Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tasty Tacos Vegetarian Recipe

At home, I started playing with different foods. I have come to love my vegetarian tacos. If you are a meat eater and void, you can tell the difference in the flesh. I can not tell the difference between soy meat and meat from land to land again. I prefer soy. Anyway, my taco recipe perfected to have added spices. Maybe this will not work with regular meat, but for my vegetarian, try my simple recipe for tacos: .Morning Star or Boca soy products work better, Put the "meat" in the microwave for 5 minutes. This softens. Breaking the 'meat' in a greased pan. Add taco seasoning, you can buy in any grocery store. While the meat seasoning, add a pinch of chopped onion and chile powder. This adds something different to beef and soy. Once the meat is ready, add your ingredients, such as lettuce and grated cheese. I personally enjoy hot sauce to add extra sparkle to my taco.La choice to become a vegetarian is the only staff to most people. I did it for better heart health, which is why we still omit red meat from my diet more often. I can not lie and say I do not like bacon. The smell of bacon is so welcoming! In any case, it is a difficult decision to stop eating whole food group. You have to find ways to compensate and new recipes to love.