Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Avatar of Yogurt in India

Yogurt - auspicious and delicious

Yogurt is always a place of honor, not only in Indian cuisine but also in the Indian culture and lifestyle. When someone leaves the house for an important task - the first day of a new job, interview or examination, an old house is sure to be sent on their way with a tablespoon of cottage cheese or yogurt or, if it is a good omen, he!

Anyone with a stomach always prescribe a diet that includes yogurt - all the good bacteria that are needed to kill the bad microbes. And there is much to do with the yogurt when it comes to food - cottage cheese or paneer, lassi, refreshing drink different curry sauces and would not be possible without the yogurt.

Frozen Yogurt has matured in India

Indians increasingly rapid busier lives that leave little time for traditional foods and slow cooking, especially urban Indians. Although home cooked meals are still the norm, even for urban Indians, many amenities have become part of everyday life. Among them, packaged or frozen yogurt.

Since the manufacturer of modern India house soon to buy more milk to a boil and set daily fresh curd, yogurt conveniently packaged now offers a simpler alternative and time saver. Although yogurt is a new concept for the Indian consumer is one who took in a big way.

Fruit yogurt is a favorite because it is a healthier alternative to ice cream. Since frozen yogurt is generally less than that of ice, which has taken the health conscious people, in particular.

Yogurt is a great way to get important nutrients such as bacteria, calcium, proteins and friendly. Modern parents, educated their children prefer the refreshing flavors and delicious taste of this sweet instead of other fats and cream color options loaded.

Since frozen yogurt is a frozen food will remain in the freezer for a long time without spoiling, which adds to its charm. Curd traditional spoil and become unusable after a few days even if refrigerated. But frozen yogurt has a longer shelf life and therefore there is less risk of losses due to spoilage.