Friday, February 22, 2013

Cook Halibut

I chopped some garlic, some chopped pine nuts and grated Parmesan cheese a bit before adding a teaspoon of basil and mayonnaise and topped halibut with my concoction before placing in Bake for 20 minutes or so after my guests arrived.


That's the beauty of halibut, you need not do anything fancy or complicated with him to have a delicious meal. Simple works best and you will find that most recipes halibut happens to come across go along with that principle. Halibut is itself a subtle flavor to it and because a fish oil is low, which can be quite dry. But the sauce and stuffing make this fish come alive and you could almost throw several random stuff together and create a sauce or finish that beautifully complements the halibut.


There are easy recipes that you can put together with halibut that hardly needs a recipe to follow! As long as your sauce or topping is moist enough to penetrate the flesh of halibut, then you can be pretty sure there will be a tasty meal reached the end of it if you bake, like I did tonight, frying or grilling.


My guests and the husband agreed and showered with praise after dinner was over and I had to spend the rest of the night telling them that the supplements, though welcome, are not necessary and are not really guaranteed. Halibut is a fish easy to work that even my husband could probably make a tasty dish.